

She said no.
She could see what she had done.
But she said no.
It broke her heart.
She looked at the ground and stared at the pieces of his heart lying on the tiny square of floor space between them.

Unmoving, he looked at her fingers resting on the lines of fate on his palm.
She shifted a little and fate changed itself.

Inside that bubble created by two letters,
the silence was deafening.
He felt a weight descend on his shoulders.
She felt light as a balloon.
The surreal had worn off,
overtaken by reality and age.
The final picture could not be the same as the one they had envisioned when they started painting three years ago.
She would dissolve with the paint.
He wouldn't notice she was gone.

He put the ring  into his pocket and smiled.
After all, she could say no if she wanted to.

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