

Something weird happened today.

I usually wake up at around 9-10 in the morning since I have second shift at office. But lately due to water crisis in Pune, I sometimes wake up pretty early; around 7-8 in the morning to make use of the water that the municipality supplies  just once in the morning. Taking a shower, washing clothes, utensils etc are all done then. After that there is no more water supply to Pune. So we have to store water for later use too. It's a lot of work.
But usually I am never awake before 8 AM.

Towards early morning the fan in my room started making noises erratically, disturbing my slumber erratically. Around 630 in the morning today the fan suddenly stopped. Just out of nowhere- STOP!!! I got up and checked the power... We had electricity. I turned on the light and tried to move the fan with a bottle. It wouldn't budge one bit. I tried to move it both directions but it was stuck and just made a loud electrical humming noise. I tried switching it off and on again to no avail. I turned it on and tried one last time with the bottle. Just as suddenly it has stopped, it started to move again and gained its momentum. By this time all my sleep was gone and I realized I was thirsty. So I moved towards the kitchen to drink some water.

That's when I heard it.

The sound of flowing water. Now water from the municipality starts being supplied around 6 AM. Pune was suffering from water crisis and someone had left the tap on in the bathroom and water was flowing away wasted to glory. Fortunately it wasn't turned open all the way so the flow wasn't strong. I turned it off and went back to my life.

There seemed to be a reason why the fan had stopped. It was so weird. It was a sign, a message to save and conserve water. In the most unimaginable way possible. But how did it happen?

I think the five dimensional sentient beings who know about water scarcity on Earth  in the future sent out  a strong gravitational wave to stop the fan(which, as is apparent from above,NEVER happens) for a few seconds wherein I got up and fidgeted with it and lost all my sleep. As soon as the gravitational wave passed, the fan started to move again but I was thirsty by then which led me towards the kitchen and led me to the realization that water was being wasted somewhere in the house and I should stop it. The gravitational wave lasted a few seconds but the future beings knew that I would complete the task with those few moments of inconvenience.

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